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    3. 教育新空間創(chuàng )研——九年制學(xué)校的校園綜合體構思



      九年制學(xué)校(9-Year Schools),是指中等教育的“初中階段教育”和初等教育的“普通小學(xué)”實(shí)施“九年一貫制”的學(xué)校。此學(xué)制能在學(xué)生年齡較小、適應能力較弱時(shí)體現教育的連貫性,同時(shí)有利于緩解普遍存在的“小升初”壓力,利于義務(wù)教育的均衡發(fā)展。近年來(lái)九年制學(xué)校在經(jīng)濟發(fā)達地區得到長(cháng)足發(fā)展。

      9-year schools refer to schools offering both lower secondary education and primary education. The 9-year education system reflects the continuality of education in a phase when students are young and less adaptive and helps to relief stress from progression from a primary school to a junior high school, facilitating the balanced development of compulsory education. Remarkable progress has been seen in 9-year schools in economically developed regions over the past few years. 


      A nine-year school includes a primary school where students are lively and active and a junior high school where students are rigorous and rational. There is a huge gap between these two groups of students in terms of learning, lifestyle and needs. Additionally, compulsory education today focuses more on the combination between quality and professional skills, learning and thinking, education and career as well as learning and ambition, in a bid to develop students’ skill to explore independently. Conventional classroom layout has fallen behind the newly developed education concepts. Therefore, a more sophisticated design of a complex-like campus is required for education space in 9-year schools. 



      A multi-purpose atrium is provided as a partition between the primary school and the junior high school in the teaching area, the area of primary school and the junior high school may be adjusted based on the number of classes they have respectively and the teaching building of the primary school is one storey lower than that of the junior high school for distinction. Each functional building is connected by corridors that rise and fall, combining each part of the teaching area and the entire campus into a whole. Additionally, these corridors also serve as a gazebo and a part of the view, satisfying curiosity of students with their open design. Finally, more details will be added in later image redesign. 

      考慮到場(chǎng)地實(shí)際情況,在功能布置時(shí)充分利用復合疊加原則,多營(yíng)造共享平臺,形成形態(tài)豐富的校園活動(dòng)區??赏ㄟ^(guò)垂直復合、立體營(yíng)造,設置架空庭院,盡可能為學(xué)生創(chuàng )作留白空間:通過(guò)底層校園街、二層共享平臺、三層四層校園連廊、屋頂花園的多層次院落形成垂直交通空間的多維聯(lián)系,營(yíng)造輕松愉悅、釋放天性的校園氛圍,促進(jìn)交流互動(dòng)發(fā)生,同時(shí)地下空間合理布局停車(chē)等需求。

      In consideration of the site conditions, a principle of combination and overlay is adopted when designing functional layout, to create more platforms for sharing and an activity area of diversified forms within the campus. An overhead courtyard featuring vertical combination and a three-dimensional structure is added to offer space for students to create and innovate as much as possible: a vertically and multidimensionally connected space is built with a campus street at the first level, a sharing platform at the second level, corridors at the third and forth levels and a rooftop garden, creating a relaxing and inspiring atmosphere that encourages communication and interaction among students. In addition, the underground space is used to meet the needs for parking space with appropriate design.  

      校園不僅僅是學(xué)習知識的場(chǎng)所,更是思考創(chuàng )作、交流體驗的發(fā)生地。在多維、廣闊活動(dòng)空間基礎上,以教學(xué)區中軸為核,設置靈活簡(jiǎn)便的交流體驗場(chǎng)所,學(xué)生在連續、錯落、別致的新穎空間中上課與下課,在自然、科技、藝術(shù)交融的文化場(chǎng)所里學(xué)習與思考,激發(fā)探索欲望,開(kāi)發(fā)創(chuàng )造潛能,培養健全人格,成長(cháng)更為茁壯。

      A school is not only an institution for knowledge acquisition, but also a place where students create, innovate and communicate with each other. A flexible and simple communication and experience hub, centered around the central axis of the teaching area, is offered in a multi-dimensional and large space. Students are allowed to enjoy their class time and extracurricular time in a continuous, irregular, exquisite and creative space, learn and think in a cultural facility where the nature is combined with technology and art. The design aims to motivate students to explore, bring out their potential to create and innovate, help them develop a good personality and allow them to grow to be stronger persons. 

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